Quick links

Welcome to Hawstead
An introductory guide to Hawstead for new villagers
Welcome Booklet for new residents April [...]
Adobe Acrobat document [535.4 KB]
Local byelaws
Includes a map of our greens and the Millennium Field
Confirmed byelaws 2016.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [3.6 MB]

Hawstead on film:

To watch a short video made by Andy and Janet Taplin in support of our bid for Suffolk Village of the Year (2014), visit our Picture Gallery page


Village information:

Visit our Documents page where you'll also find previous copies of the Village Voice and its predecessor, The Hawstead Journal.


Upcoming parish council and community council meetings. For all other village events and updates, take a look at our Events page.


Parish council meetings: 

Parish Council meetings are held on the second Thursday of January, March, May, July, September and November in the village hall at 7.30pm. The agenda will be posted here a few days before each meeting   

Church services

All Saints, Hawstead


Services take place as follows:

  • Second Sunday of each month (morning prayer at 11am)
  • Fourth Sunday of each month (Eucharist at 11am)


St Peter, Nowton


Services take place as follows:

  • First and third Sunday of each month at 11am


Dates and times of all benefice services can be found on the noticeboard at All Saints, Hawstead.


You can also visit the website: A Church Near You from the Church of England.

Notice on GDPR (general data protection regulations) 2018

Please note that archive material posted onto the website before 25 May 2018 may include limited personal data for which consent to publication has not been given.




This website is maintained by local volunteers, for which thanks.


Any enquiries regarding this website can be addressed to Hawstead Parish Council.



Also on the Contacts page you'll find MAPS!

Fancy a bike ride ?
Print this document out and get yourself to Hawstead Village Hall car park to start this circular tour which passes by a number of local pubs
Cycle ride v3.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [960.4 KB]

Here are a few more rides, all circular, starting from the Village Green (though of course you could start anywhere on the routes):

Bike Ride 1 is just over 9 miles long
Not too hilly once you've got up Bells Lane. You could make a short diversion to go to the Red House in Stanningfield and/or have a picnic on the adjacent Green.
Adobe Acrobat document [260.7 KB]
Bike Ride 2 is 8 miles long
I suggest you tackle this ride in a clockwise direction. But you can go either way - the hills are on Whepstead Road and Bull Lane - so whichever way one is up and one is down!
Adobe Acrobat document [272.6 KB]
Bike Ride 3 is 12 miles long
I think this is best done in an anti-clockwise direction. You go up Bull Lane at the beginning, but after that, apart from the very short uphill bit by Stanningfield Church, it's pretty easy cycling. It's a nice downhill along a lot of Donkey Lane and you've got downhill along Bells Lane at the end to look forward to!
Adobe Acrobat document [320.2 KB]
Bike Ride 4 is 25 miles long and takes the form of a figure of eight.
You first loop round to the east through Stanningfield and then further south before sharply turning back northwards, eventually turning left along Brands Lane (not labelled on map) and then over to the west, visiting Whepstead, Rede and Hawkedon before turning east for Hartest and then back home via Folly Lane and Whepstead Road.
Adobe Acrobat document [401.3 KB]

The cycle shop Maglia Rosso, which occupies the former Metcalfe Arms pub, has devised a number of cycle routes starting from the shop There's a 15 mile route, a 25 mile route, a 46 mile route and evcen a 100 mile one!

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